13: Tackling burnout through the lens of an addicted ant

Are you addicted to your work? Do you feel like an ant addicted to sweet? How can you tweak your environment to remove the sugar? Or how can you find a sugar replacement? In this episode, Dr Yong will share how she found weaned herself from addiction to work by removing the source of "sweet".
1. Burnout is faced by 1 in 8 employees in Singapore: https://www.pacificprime.sg/blog/employee-burnout-in-singapore/; https://www.hrinasia.com/press-release/cigna-well-being-survey-reveals-decline-in-singaporeans-wellness/

2. Sources of information about Charlie Hoehn's burnout:
Tim Ferris' blog - https://tim.blog/2014/02/13/anxiety-treatments/
Charlie Hoehn's website - 

3. The quote "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change" in the introduction to the podcast is attributable Dr Wayne Dyer, an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Source of quote: Dyer, W. (2009), Success Secrets, Retrieved from https://www.drwaynedyer.com/blog/success-secrets/

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